Ashwin's Power


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Learning to let go, I believe, is a very crucial part of growth and evolution. It's something that not all of us are very comfortable doing, but it is something that inevitably we're all going to have to deal with. One day or the other.

The last few months of my life, haven't been rather kind to me.Within the moment, it hurts and you don't understand why you have to go through it. But when you look back upon it, you realise that it was for the best. You realise how much it helped you grow. They have been so full of changes and new beginnings and endings that letting go of certain aspects of my life no longer bother or hurt me the way they usually would.

The concept of letting go can be used in a variety of contexts. But when broken down, it really has just two forms. One is a a microscopic form and the other is macroscopic.

Things like:

  • Getting irritated or annoyed by someone

  • Getting angry or vengeful

  • Getting upset over something

are all situations of emotional spikes, moments of sudden emotional bursts. The funny thing about it is that it always feels like the cause is someone else and not us. He pushed me, now I'm pissed. He made fun of me so I'm gonna get back at him (anger/revenge), he's trying to hit on my girl, so now i'm going to show him whose really alpha. Do you get the point? Incidents like these force us to react in unpleasant ways which, more often than not, we end up regretting. They constitute the microscopic domain and are more implusive emotion related.

Letting go in such situations is a tricky game of being in the moment and outside it aswell. What I mean, is that you must be within the present moment to to realize how you're letting small things get the better of you and at the same time, be able to observe and percieve the situation from a larger perspective and realize just how trivial it really is. you've got to understand that it's not that big a deal, so you got pushed or incited by someone, so what? let it go, there really is no reason to go an eye for an eye or get disheartened because it's really not worth your time or energy.

The macroscopic form consists of major life events like:

moving to a new job/ locality/ continent

losing a loved one

Seperation / divorce from a long term partner

Being tricked out of your own company

Losing a great deal of money over some unwise transactions

and the list goes on...

These kinds of situations usually involve deep emotional sentiments and a painful feeling of loss. What you have to realise in these situations is that "nothing in this world is permanent, except change." Change has to happen and WILL happen, regardless of how YOU feel about it. Thats the beauty of life. It helps you grow and evolve into greater and more experienced beings. Whats important in these times is to not lose hope, even if things seem bleek in the future or time seems short.You HAVE to have faith and believe that things WILL GET BETTER. It's the circle of life. Life is really like a wave, it has it's crests and troughs, it's ups and downs, it highs and lows. You gotta not get stuck in that moment of low and gotta start focusing on the HIGH thats about to follow. I don't care how uncertain the future looks. If it hasn't happened yet, that means YOU still have the POWER to make something good out of it. LEARN FROM THE PAST, THATS WHAT ITS FOR!

I know it can be hard, very very hard, dealing with many of the macroscopic incidents, but you have to understand that LIFE GOES ON. You must have faith. Honestly, the one most important thing that life can teach you is HAVING FAITH AND HOPE. It worked with religion didn't it? Most of the world is living off of faith and hope, that things will get better and it provides a great deal of closure and comfort to the soul. This isn't escapism but rather a matter of choosing to acknowledge the bad and IN SPITE OF IT, FOCUSING on the GOOD.
Learning to come to term with the downs of life and
Letting go of the past for mental peace
is something we all need to be able to live happier lives.